SU200 (testosterone mix,Sustanon , Sustaject)



Sustanon is mixture of testosterone esters with prolonged action. This drug is most often used for mass gaining cycles and different medical applications, like TRT.

Available Options:


Sustanon 250 (SU-250)

30 mg testosterone propionate
60 mg testosterone phenylpropionate
60 mg testosterone isocaproate
100 mg testosterone decanoate

Sustanon is an injectable testosterone ester blend . This drug contains: testosterone propionate, testosterone phenylpropionate, testosterone isocapronate, testosterone decanoate. It has been specially designed to be fast and long lasting. Like any other testosterone product, Sustanon 250 is a potent anabolic steroid with a very clear androgenic component. This drug is most often used for mass gaining courses, as it perfectly builds muscle mass and strength.

There is, of course, a small difference from testosterone cypionate/ enanthate. Due to its slow absorption sustanon 250, has more smoothed peaks in blood concentration and less aromatized. If the drug is used by a sensitive person, Nolvadex or Proviron must be taken from the very beginning of the cycle, in parallel with Sustanon 250 .

Due to its ability to retain water, this drug is not suitable for pre-competition training in bodybuilding. Since Sustanon 250 is a strong androgen, oily skin, acne, increased hair growth on the body and face can be expected. Proscar (finasteride) can be used to prevent this. Sustanon 250 suppresses endogenous testosterone production, therefore, at the end of the cycle, it is necessary to use gonadotropin and or clomidnolvadex.

But at the same time, post-course therapy should be carried out approximately 2 weeks after the last injection of the drug, since it is active in the blood for a long time. An effective dosage of sustanon is from 250mg every 10 days to 1000mg per week.

You can combine Sustanon 250 with oxymethalone, methandrostenolone, trenbolone or winstrol.


Additional information




1 vial 10 ml 250mg/ml Total 2500mg


1 vial 10 ml 250mg/ml


Testosterone Decanoate, Testosterone Isocaproate, Testosterone Phenylpropionate, Testosterone Propionate


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