SU400 (testosterone mix,Sustanon , Sustaject)



Sustanon is mixture of testosterone esters with prolonged action. This drug is most often used for mass gaining cycles and different medical applications, like TRT.

Available Options:


Sustanon 400 (SU-400)

48 mg testosterone propionate
96 mg testosterone phenylpropionate
96 mg testosterone isocaproate
160 mg testosterone decanoate

  • Activity: Approximately 18 days
  • Classification: Anabolic / Androgenic Steroids (Injectable)
  • Dosages: Men 250-1000 mg / week
  • Acne: Yes
  • Water Retention: Yes
  • High blood pressure: Yes
  • Hepatotoxicity: Low
  • Aromatization: Yes
  • DHT conversion: Yes, high
  • Suppression HPTA function: Strong

Sustanon is an injectable testosterone ester blend . This drug contains: testosterone propionate, testosterone phenylpropionate, testosterone isocapronate, testosterone decanoate. It has been specially designed to be fast and long lasting. Like any other testosterone product, Sustanon is a potent anabolic steroid with a very clear androgenic component. This drug is most often used for mass gaining courses, as it perfectly builds muscle mass and strength.


Additional information


Generic China


1 vial 10ml 400mg/ml


1 vial 10ml 400mg/ml


Testosterone Decanoate, Testosterone Isocaproate, Testosterone Phenylpropionate, Testosterone Propionate


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