NPP-100, NPP-200 (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, Deca)



Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) is a fast acting version of Nandrolone Propionate

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Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, known as NPP for short, is a form of Nandrolone with the phenylpropionate ester attached. Another well known form of this steroid compound is Nandrolone Decanoate, also known as Deca-Durabolin. While NPP also used to be called Durabolin in the past, these days that name is avoided to prevent confusion between the two forms.
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate StructureNandrolone Phenylpropionate Structure

The Nandrolone hormone compound is exactly the same in both forms, it is simply the ester which gives each a slightly different property in the body; especially when it comes to half life and how fast it works, and how long it stays active in the bloodstream. This in turn dictates how often you’ll need to take your dosages.

NPP has a shorter half life and so requires more frequent injections to keep your levels stable compared with Nandrolone Decanoate.

Author’s Note: For real, NO-BS information on cycling steroids be sure to check out Straight From the Underground (my recommended underground steroid handbook). Everything in this book is based on first hand experience, not theory.

Meanwhile, if you are looking for something effective but don’t want to use steroids, here is my list of supplements that will help you with your quest in building muscles and getting leaner.
NPP Benefits (NPP Effects)

Nandrolone is well known for its many positive benefits and effects when used for performance enhancement purposes. You’ll also find that this compound comes with some excellent therapeutic effects as well, making NPP a quality all round steroid that will suit a range of users and goals.

Here are the main benefits and effects that you can expect with NPP:

Mass building – NPP is an excellent mass builder and many guys will include this steroid in every bulking cycle. Putting on quality muscle at a steady pace is a highly desirable benefit of NPP. This is not a compound that works super fast to help you gain mass quickly, but if you’re after both high quality and high quantity muscle gains, then NPP delivers.
Recovery – NPP has excellent therapeutic benefits for the joints in particular, and this is going to provide a significant boost to your recovery process. Expect to recover faster and be able to hit the gym for your next workout sooner, with greatly reduced muscle and joint soreness.
Lean muscle preservation – NPP has superb metabolic properties and this will make it more efficient for you to maintain lean gains during the off season. Additionally, if used in a cutting cycle then NPP helps conserve your muscle mass while you work on losing fat. Again, this is thanks to the high metabolic properties of Nandrolone. While NPP is not commonly used as a cutting steroid as often as it’s used for bulking, it can provide a highly beneficial role in a cutting cycle for any user who understands its functions and benefits.
Strength – Some users may see some increase in strength, however NPP is not particularly known for its ability to significantly boost strength to a noticeable level. When stacking with NPP with other steroids, it is likely to be other compounds that take care of your strength boost as this is not an area that Nandrolone excels in.

Nandrolone can be used for bulking or mass building, cutting, as well as for general athletic purposes. This makes it a highly diverse steroid that is often stacked with other compounds where it can contribute to more specific goals.
NPP Dosage and Cycle Length

Your dosage of NPP will depend on whether you’re using it mainly for therapeutic purposes, or for performance enhancement. When using this steroid to gain benefit from its therapeutic effects only, males can dose at 100mg to 200mg weekly and see substantial benefit including greatly improved recovery and joint relief.

For guys using NPP for bodybuilding a dosage of up to 400mg weekly is ideal. This strikes the right balance between reaping the benefits while keeping the side effect risk to a minimum. Those who are less concerned about side effects might consider increasing the dosage a little beyond 400mg but for most male users this will be the sweet spot that will deliver excellent results.

NPP is not an extremely fast acting steroid so cycle length should provide enough time to really see the benefits that this highly effect compound can deliver. Up to 12 weeks is recommended. The frequency of injections should be three per week, where the weekly dose is split evenly between injections. A three weekly injection routine ensures that blood levels of this steroid are evenly maintained throughout the cycle.

Females can make use of NPP but must be aware of the risks of virilization, and for that reason the female dosage should not exceed 50mg weekly for no longer than a 6 week cycle.
NPP vs Deca-Durabolin

The well known and very popular steroid Deca-Durabolin is also a Nandrolone steroid. It is the same as the Nandrolone steroid in NPP, but simply makes use of a different ester. While the ester used in NPP is Phenylpropionate, Deca-Durabolin is the brand name of Nandrolone decanoate. An ester attaches to the Nandrolone hormone and controls the way the hormone is released in the body once it has been injected.

By understanding different esters and how they work, it’s possible to create a steroid stack that contains compounds that use the same or similar esters, and this can make it easier to plan your post cycle therapy afterwards. At other times, you might want to combine short and long esters for different purposes. With Nandrolone available in these two ester types, you have the option to pick the one that best suits your plans and goals.

The hormone itself does not change once the ester detaches. NPP itself used to be known by the brand name Durabolin, giving us another indication of just how similar these two products are.

So what are the real world differences between NPP and Deca-Durabolin and which is the better choice for your goals?

With both compounds you get all the same benefits of Nandrolone which means excellent joint relief and therapeutic effects, improved recovery, excellent steady mass gains, greatly increased anabolic function and a lower level of androgenic effects compared with other steroid hormones.

The half life of NPP and Deca-Durabolin differ remarkably and that is the main difference to consider between the two. Nandrolone Decanoate has a very long half life of 6 to 8 days. This means it takes a day or two to even start circulating in the body enough to get its effects, and it will remain in the bloodstream for well over a week.

This shorter ester of Nandrolone requires much less frequent injections but also requires a longer cycle because of how long it takes for the effects to become active and beneficial. A Nandrolone Decanoate will normally be run for up to 16 weeks to gain maximum benefits of this slow acting form of Nandrolone.

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate has a much shorter elimination half life of about 3 days, so you’ll need to inject this compound much more often to maintain optimal blood levels. It is usually injected three times per week.

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1 vial 10 ml 100mg/ml Total 1000mg, 1 vial 10ml 200mg/ml Total 2000 mg


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