Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron)



Drostanolone propionate is an androgenic steroid with strong anti-estrogenic characteristics, which is used to improve hardness and sharpness of the muscles.

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Competing bodybuilders highly value the steroid Masteron100. The great popularity of this injectable steroid in bodybuilder circles is due to the extraordinary characteristics of its included substance.

Drostanolone propionate is a synthetic derivative of dihydrotestosterone. This causes the Masteron100 not to aromatize in any dosage and thus, it cannot be converted into estrogens. The Belgian manufacturer, Sarva-Syntex, confirms this distinctive feature on the enclosed package insert. It calls Masteron100 a steroid with strong, anti-estrogenic characteristics. Since Masteron is a predominantly androgenic steroid, the athlete can increase his androgen level without also risking an increase in his estrogen level. This results in a dramatically improved hardness and sharpness of the muscles. One must, however, make a distinction here since Masteron does not automatically improve the quality of muscles in everyone.
Low Fat Content

A prerequisite is that the athlete’s fat content must already be very low. In this case Masteron can then be the decisive factor between a smooth, flat muscle or a hard and ripped look. For this purpose Masteron is often only used during the last four weeks before a competition so that the muscles get the last ”kick.” Masteron is especially effective in combination with steroids such as Winstrol, Parabolan, Primobolan, Oxandrolone and also Testosterone propionate.

The usual dosage taken by athletes is around 100 mg three times per week. Since the body it quickly breaks the substance drostanolone propionate down, frequent and regular injections are necessary. This fact makes Masteron a very interesting steroid when doping tests must be passed by a negative urine analysis. Since the propionate substance of drostanolone does not remain in the body very long in a sufficient, detectable amount, athletes inject the compound with great success up to two weeks before a test. However, it also has anabolic characteristics. Using Masteron helps build a high-qualitative muscle system. It is not limited to competition preparation.

Athletes who want to avoid water retention and who readily have a problem with an elevated estrogen level, likewise appreciate Masteron. In this case, you also usually inject one ampule (100 mg) every second day. You can combine it with Primobolan, Winstrol or Testosterone propionate. Athletes do not gain enormous strength and weight, only high-quality and long-lasting results. Although women do not use Masteron very often some national and international competing female athletes do take it before a championship. The dosages observed are normally 100 mg every 4-5 days.
Side Effects

Masteron is not hepatotoxic so liver damage is quite unlikely. High blood pressure and gynecomastia are not a problem. Neither water nor salt retention occurs and the estrogen level remains low. The main problems are acne and a possible accelerated hair loss. Dihydrotestosterone is highly affinitive to the skin’s androgen receptors, in particular, to those on the scalp. In most cases, Masteron is not administered in excessively high dosages. The intake is limited to a few weeks. Athletes find the compound very compatible.

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1 vial 10 ml 100mg/ml Total 1000mg


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