Clenbuterol (Dilaterol, Spiropent, Ventipulmin)



Clenbuterol is an effective anti-asthma medication, used for various breathing disorders. Clenbuterol has demonstrated strong anabolic effects significantly increasing skeletal muscle mass, whilst reducing fat. Bodybuilders use it in cutting cycles, alongside other fat burning steroids.

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Clenbuterol is a β2-adrenoceptor agonist and bronchodilator, that was formulated to treat various breathing disorders, such as: inflammatory airway disease (IAD) and recurrent airway obstruction (RAO).

Clenbuterol is an effective anti-asthma medication, being an approved prescription drug for humans since 1977 in several countries (albeit not the US).

In research, clenbuterol has demonstrated strong anabolic effects in animals; significantly increasing skeletal muscle mass, whilst reducing fat (1).

This has led to bodybuilders purchasing clenbuterol on the black market and utilizing it in cutting cycles, alongside other fat burning steroids.

Hollywood celebrities have also been known to cycle clenbuterol, in a bid to transform their bodies in a short space of time.

However, clenbuterol’s effects in humans are somewhat dissimilar to those in animals. Clenbuterol’s ability to burn fat is undisputed, however its muscle-building effects in humans are questioned.

Some users report no anabolic effects from clenbuterol, whereas others are adamant of its ability to add lean muscle tissue.

The truth may lie somewhere in the middle, with clenbuterol having anabolic properties; although not to the degree of anabolic-androgenic steroids.

Thus, clenbuterol may help bodybuilders retain muscle when cutting, although significant increases in muscle size and strength are unlikely. This is therefore more of a anti-catabolic effect (rather than anabolic).

Clenbuterol is generally taken as an oral, however it is also available as a syrup or injection.

Clenbutrol is our #1 rated legal clenbuterol product. It replicates the fat burning and thermogenic effects of clenbuterol, but without any unwanted side effects.

It is FDA approved and can be purchased online without a prescription.

Clenbutrol is best suited for men or women who want to reduce their body fat percentage, whilst simultaneously increasing muscle tone and endurance.
Clenbuterol Benefits

Fat loss
Increased Blood Flow
Enhanced Energy
Appetite Suppression
No testosterone Suppression

Fat Loss

Clenbuterol stimulates the central nervous system (CNS), thus increasing adrenaline output and raising the body’s temperature by as much as 1 degree.

Consequently, in an attempt to maintain homeostasis, the body stimulates the sweat glands to cool itself back down to its previous temperature.

This constant ‘cooling effect’ increases total calorie expenditure, thus spiking a user’s basil metabolic rate.

Thus, users will typically burn more calories at rest than usual.

This makes it easier for bodybuilders to eat in a calorie deficit and burn fat indirectly (due to an elevated metabolism).

However, clenbuterol also has direct fat burning effects (similar to other beta-2 agonists), by accelerating the conversion of triglycerides to free fatty acids.
Increased Blood Flow

Clenbuterol increases adrenaline levels, thus shifting the body into fight or flight mode. Consequently, blood flow improves throughout the body as a survival mechanism.

Therefore, clenbuterol has the potential to improve muscular endurance, helping bodybuilders perform more repetitions than usual (in less time).

Also pumps may become bigger, due to superior blood circulation to the muscles.

Bigger pumps and increased more reps, may indirectly help to build new muscle; due to stretching of the muscle fascia.

Fascia is a connective tissue that surrounds the muscles; however, if too tight, muscle growth can be inhibited.

As the a muscle tries to expand, it effectively is pushing against the deep fascia. Therefore, the more flexible this tissue becomes, the greater potential for muscle hypertrophy.

Bigger pumps from clenbuterol will aid in helping your fascia become more supple, reducing such friction.

Increased circulation will also benefit users who perform cardiovascular exercise, with increased oxygenation throughout the body. Users also report accelerated recovery after workouts and requiring less sleep than usual.

Note: Once a person remains in fight or flight mode for an extended period of time, cortisol levels can rise excessively, with vasoconstriction occurring. This impairs blood flow and increases fatigue; which may occur in the latter stages of a clenbuterol cycle, following the initial increase in blood flow.
Enhanced Energy

Pre workouts are popular due to stimulants being present in their formulas, such as caffeine; giving users intense workouts.

Stimulants arouse the central nervous system; causing the body to release more adrenaline, providing a substantial burst in energy.

Clenbuterol is a powerful stimulant, more so than any standard pre workout, thus energy levels will go through the roof.

However, what goes up must come down. Thus, users may find themselves crashing with low energy after this initial effect wears off; consequently creating a dependence for clenbuterol.

High energy levels on clenbuterol can also (indirectly) help to burn more fat; due to workouts becoming more intense. For example, you may perform HIIT on a stationary bike for 15 minutes, however on clenbuterol you may be able to comfortably extend this to 20+ minutes.
Appetite Suppression

Clenbuterol has a stimulating effect on beta 2-angrenergic receptors, which can affect satiety levels in humans.

Thus, during a cycle users may not feel as hungry throughout the day; despite burning more calories.

This can indirectly assist with further fat loss, due to users being less likely to cave in and binge eat their favourite high calorie foods.

This is very beneficial to someone who struggles to ‘diet’, as users will naturally feel fuller for longer periods on clenbuterol; causing them to naturally eat smaller portions.

Clenbuterol doesn’t just burn fat, but also flushes out extracellular water. This can result in a person looking visibly leaner and having increased muscle tone.

Clenbuterol’s diuretic effects are attributed to the amount of sweating that occurs.

Therefore, it is important to drink adequate levels of water on clen, as you lose sodium via your sweat which can lead to dehydration and muscle cramps.

Any water lost from taking clenbuterol will return post-cycle, making this diuretic effect is temporary.
No Testosterone Suppression

One of the biggest drawbacks of anabolic steroids is the shutting down of natural testosterone production.

Typically after a steroid cycle it can take several weeks or months for endogenous testosterone to return back to normal levels.

However, clenbuterol (unlike anabolic steroids) does not compromise your testosterone. Thus, no PCT is needed and you don’t need to worry about losing your results.
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Clenbuterol Side Effects

Increased heart rate (palpitations)
Anxiety (shakes)

Increased Heart Rate

Clenbuterol arouses the sympathetic nervous system, casing users’ resting heart rate to become excessively elevated.

Professor Lisa Nissen, head of the School of Clinical Sciences at Queensland University of Technology, states:

“It’s like putting a V8 engine in your heart, it’s not really built to be sped up at that rate. The consequence, in its extreme, can be a heart attack.”

Dr Thomas O’Connor also has anecdotal evidence of clenbuterol contributing to heart rates of 180 beats per minute.

Clenbuterol-use can also lead to chronic atrial fibrillation (2), a form of irregular heartbeat; caused by permanent scarring to the heart.

Thus, clenbuterol is an especially dangerous drug for anyone with existing heart issues or high blood pressure.

Anxiety is a common side effect of taking clenbuterol, due to its tendency to shift a person into fight or flight mode. Excessive arousal of the central nervous system may cause a person to perceive every day situations as threats, negatively affecting their mental health.

A racing heart and palpitations may also trigger anxiety, as users may think they are having a heart attack.

Taking a sedative may help to calm the central nervous system and reduce anxiety levels. However, this may also counteract the thermogenic effect of clenbuterol; thus negatively affecting fat loss due to less adrenaline and heat production.

High levels of CNS stimulation are also linked to depression, due to the subsequent ‘come down’ effect. This is due to clenbuterol initially boosting dopamine levels in the brain (3); for them later to drop, as a person builds tolerance or comes off the drug.

Shaking is also common when taking clenbuterol due to heightened adrenaline, which is particularly evident in the hands.

Insomnia is common among clenbuterol-users, due to an overly active nervous system, causing hyperactivity (4).

Some experts recommend taking clenbuterol earlier in the day to improve the chances of falling asleep at night, however clenbuterol has a very long half life of 35 hours (5). Thus, such a protocol is likely to be ineffective, with high amounts of clenbuterol still peaking in the blood stream.

It is worth noting that sleep deprivation may elevate cortisol levels, further increasing blood pressure and inhibiting fat burning.
Clenbuterol Dosage

A person’s dosage will depend on what they are using clenbuterol for.

For example, an asthmatic may take 2 x 20mcg pills per day.

Patients suffering more severely with respiratory issues may take 4 x 20mcg pills per day.

However, bodybuilders or anyone taking clenbuterol for weight loss purposes may take 6-8 pills per day (120-160mcg). Such dosages are well beyond the therapeutic range used in medicine, therefore more severe side effects are to be expected.

People often respond to potent stimulants differently, thus the dosage should be tailored to how sensitive a person is to the drug.

Unlike with anabolic steroids, the dosage of clenbuterol is the same for men and women. This is due to it affecting the CNS, rather than working on a hormonal level (where women having significantly less testosterone and thus need smaller doses of steroids to obtain the same level of results).
Clenbuterol Cycle

The following cycle is taken by men and women, who covet maximum fat loss and high levels of muscle definition.
clenbuterol cycle

Users typically build up a tolerance to clenbuterol quickly; thus to prolong its positive effects, users often start on a lower dosage and increase it slowly every third day.

A person should only continue increasing the dosage until the maximum amount, if they are comfortable with the side effects.

One user may be able to finish a 30 day clenbuterol cycle, reaching a peak of 120mcg; whereas another user may report severe side effects on 80mcg/day (and have to cut their cycle short).

The reason why clenbuterol cycles typically do not last beyond 4-6 weeks is due to beta-receptor downregulation.

Thus, clenbuterol’s positive effects can only be experienced for a limited time, until the body successfully regulates its temperature back to normal; causing fat burning to come to a halt.

This is also why some users choose to cycle clenbuterol for 2 weeks on, followed by 2 weeks off; or 2 days on/2 days off.
2 Week On/Off Clenbuterol Cycle

As previously mentioned, a short clenbuterol cycle can be utilized to prevent the body from building up a tolerance to the drug, ensuring further fat loss in future cycles.

A 2 week cycle may also reduce cardiovascular strain, among other side effects.

In one journal, a healthy 25 year old man was rushed to the ER after taking 20mcg of clenbuterol (6). His heart rate reached 140 beats per minute, whilst also displaying labile blood pressure.

He experienced palpitations, nausea, chest pain, sweating and anxiety.

Interestingly, he had been taking the same dose for the last 3 weeks, with no adverse effects. This is a prime example of where a 2 week cycle may be more optimal for sensitive users.

A 2 week cycle will often start in the 20-40mcg range, with the dose increasing every 1 or 2 days, until a maximum dose is achieved (usually being 100mcg-140mcg).

Users will then have 2 weeks rest before cycling clenbuterol again. However, the second cycle begins with the maximum dose from the first cycle. Thus, if the first cycle finished on 100mcg per day, this would be taken for the entire 2 weeks in the second cycle.

Every follow up cycle from this point onwards, should then start at the maximum dose to continue making progress.
Clenbuterol and Winstrol Cycle
For Men

clenbuterol winstrol cycle

Winstrol is an anabolic steroid, often utilized during cutting cycles, to enhance fat loss and lean muscle mass.

The addition of winstrol will have a more anabolic effect than taking clenbuterol alone. Thus, a person will build muscle and burn fat simultaneously on this stack; as opposed to predominantly burning fat with a clenbuterol.

The side effects of winstrol however are much different to clenbuterol. Winstrol is an oral like clen, however it is highly hepatotoxic; causing significant strain to the liver.

LDL cholesterol levels will also rise, causing a large spike in blood pressure. Hair loss, prostate enlargement and acne are other possible androgenic side effects, due to high DHT levels.

Winstrol will also cause endogenous testosterone production to shut down, taking several months for levels to recover back to normal (hence how bodybuilders opt for a post cycle therapy).
For Women

Winstrol generally is not a recommended steroid for women, due to high chances of virilization occurring. Such masculine effects however may be kept at bay by adopting a low dosage (as shown below).
clenbuterol winstrol cycle for women

There is generally no need to utilize this cycle (as a female), if the primary goal is fat loss. This can be achieved solely by dieting and taking clenbuterol. However, if more muscle tone and size is required; some women may run these two compounds together.
Clenbuterol and Anavar Cycle
For Men

clenbuterol anavar cycle for men

Anavar (oxandrolone) is regarded as a cutting steroid, due to its potent effects on fat loss.

Anavar also builds lean muscle and strength, making it ideal for users wanting to get bigger and stronger.

Anavar is generally viewed as slightly less powerful than winstrol, in terms of results, yet a lot more side effect friendly. Anavar is an FDA approved steroid in medicine, thus is generally regarded as safe in the bodybuilding community.
For Women

clenbuterol anavar cycle for women

Anavar, unlike winstrol, is a lot more suitable for women; due to low incidents of masculinization.

A clenbuterol and anavar cycle is taken by women wanting to look lean and strong; as opposed to slim.

Thus, female celebrities are likely to take clenbuterol alone; whereas athletes or serious weight lifters may add anavar.
Clenbuterol and Cytomel (T3) Cycle

Clenbuterol can also be stacked with Cytomel (T3) to enhance fat burning. Cytomel is a prescription medication for hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid).

Simply put, the higher a person’s T3 levels are, the greater the rate of lipolysis (fat burning) in the body.

This stack is considered the ultimate fat burning duo among bodybuilders looking to get ripped before a competition; however it is not free from harsh side effects.

Users often take 25-75mcg of Cytomel per day, for 6-8 weeks.

50mcg is the standard dose for intermediate bodybuilders.

However, bodybuilders will often stack Cytomel with testosterone or another anabolic steroid; due to Cytomel’s catabolic effects on muscle tissue.
Clenbuterol Results (Before and After Pictures)

clenbuterol before and after

The user (above) cycled clenbuterol for 2 weeks, starting with a 20mg dose and slowly increasing up to 80mg/day.

This was the users first clenbuterol cycle, hence such impressive results.

A person’s results on clen will be determined by the dosage, length of cycle, genetics, diet and workout routines.

For maximum fat loss, users should eat in a 500 calorie deficit. Clenbuterol’s metabolic effects will be blunted if a person eats in a calorie surplus.

Typically, men and women can expect to lose 10-15lbs from a 4 week cycle of clen.

Similarly to steroids, the more clenbuterol cycles a person performs, the less fat loss they will experience with each one.
Best Clenbuterol Stack
bulking stack

This stack is tailored for users wanting to burn significant amounts of fat, whilst simultaneously building lean muscle (without any harsh side effects).

The 4 legal steroids in this stack are:

1. Anvarol (anavar)

2. Testo-Max (sustanon 250)

3. Clenbutrol (clenbuterol)

4. Winsol (winstrol)

With this stack, users can expect: enhanced muscle definition, vascularity and more chiseled abs. Results are likely to be enhanced when stacking, compared to running products by themselves.

A PCT isn’t needed with any of these products, as they do not suppress users’ natural testosterone production. Women can also take these legal steroid alternatives, as they do not cause virilization symptoms; unlike anabolic-androgenic steroids.

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