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AICAR is a Metabolic Modulator with performance-enhancing effects, has various medical applications including treatment of diabetis and ischemic conditions.

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What is AICAR?

AICAR (5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-β-D-ribofuranoside) is a substance produced naturally by the body that stimulates AMP activated protein kinase (AMPK), a protein that regulates metabolism in a variety of ways. AMPK acts as an energy regulator and is activated during exercise or other circumstances that use up cellular energy.

The AMPK-stimulating AICAR can also be synthesized in a lab and is being evaluated in preclinical research and human clinical trials as a therapeutic agent to treat certain metabolic disorders in humans.

How do AICAR and AMPK impact performance?

Once activated by AICAR, AMPK works to make energy more available. For example, it increases the usage of fat for energy and causes cells to make more mitochondria (the cells’ powerhouses or energy creators). AMPK basically ensures that the various tissues in the body don’t run out of energy.

There are many circumstances that activate AMPK naturally, including hypoxia (low oxygen levels during exercise or at elevation), hypoglycemia (low blood sugar with exercise or fasting), the use of cellular energy during muscle contraction, and anything that disrupts energy creation within cells.

The effects of activating AMPK are extremely complex since it is involved in so many different metabolic pathways of the body. To date, the medical community has not found a way to target AMPK in a way that allows for the treatment of diseases in humans, although research has suggested it plays a role in diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Why is AICAR on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Prohibited List?

AICAR is prohibited because it’s an AMPK activator, which are prohibited at all times under the category of Hormone and Metabolic Modulators on the WADA Prohibited List because of their potential performance-enhancing effects.

Are there health risks to using AICAR?

Some articles refer to AMPK activators as “exercise-in-a-pill” in the hope that using an AMPK activator will cause the same changes in the body as exercise. However, the truth is much more complex.

Too much activation of AMPK, or activating it in the wrong tissue, can cause serious side effects, including neurodegeneration, or preventing cells from dividing. The accumulation of naturally-occurring AICAR in the body is also associated with metabolic disorders in humans.

However, AICAR has not been extensively studied in people. For this reason and many others, AICAR is an experimental compound that is not yet approved for therapeutic use in humans and should not be used by any athletes.


The dosages for AICAR can range from 150 mg every day, if you stack it with GW, to around 500 mg per day when you use it on its own. Every bottle usually comes in 50 mg dosages, so it’s evidently expensive as already stated before. For this reason, it makes sense to use it in the last four weeks before the day of the competition.

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Generic China


100mg, 50mg


10 vials


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