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GDF-8 is a potent Myostatin inhibitor, is used for muscle growth and bone regeneration


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What is GDF-8 myostatin?

GDF-8 (propeptide-Fc) is a myostatin inhibitor of muscle growth and development process. Myostatin is present in the healing process of muscles and its nature is to inhibit myogenesis (the process of formation of muscular tissue). Scientists have been studying a new method to enhance the repair and regeneration of both muscle and bone in certain injuries through a new recombinant myostatin propeptide.

How does myostatin propeptide work?

Through the blocking of active myostatin made by a recombinant, myostatin propeptide has been able to improve muscle and bone regeneration. Myostatin inhibitors improve wound repair in cases of deep penetrant injuries on muscles and bones.

Myostatin results

One of the consequences of aging in humans is the loss of motor skills, which are related to an increase in the accident rate caused mostly by falls. This vulnerability in humans results in the increase in medical costs to treat fractures. One of the drawbacks of the healing process in bones and muscles in aging is the required time to accomplish the complete healing. The use of the recombinant myostatin propeptide has a very important role in the acceleration of this long process, which can primarily benefit older people and athletes, not to mention ordinary people.

Some studies show that the lack of myostatin gives rise to impressive results in the increase of muscle mass both in humans and in animals. In bones specifically, the lack of myostatin increases its mineral density, resulting in an increase of the calcium levels of the organism. Calcium is stored in bones and it is necessary for the correct functionality of the heart, muscles, and nerves as well as for blood clotting.

While using this recombinant myostatin propeptide, it was found that collagen-rich fibrous tissue was plentiful in the injured area of the individual’s treated muscle, which has, as a result, the improvement of the regenerative capacity of the body.

Image analysis of studies shows that propeptide treatment increases significantly the fraction of muscle staining while decreases the fraction of fibrous tissue in the injury site. Due to the passage of time, muscles tend to the loss of its volume and strength, this lost volume is occupied by fibrous tissue; the capacity of GDF-8 to improve muscular regeneration confirms its efficacy on muscular injuries.

Myostatin deficiency increases the osteogenic potential (formation of bone tissue) of bone marrow. There have been some studies related to the healing properties of stem cells originated in the bone marrow that has an auto-regeneration capacity. This benefit can be promoted by blocking Myostatin on humans.

Myostatin inhibitors are used on muscular dystrophy treatment in the attempt to accomplish the muscle regeneration. Myostatin propeptide enhances muscle regeneration, increases myofiber hypertrophy (an increase in the size of skeletal muscle through a growth in the size of its component cells) and decreases fibrosis (formation of excess fibrous connective tissue, which can obliterate the function of the affected limb) in muscle healing.

Myostatin propeptide dosage

Doses of Myostatin propeptide have been tested mice and it has shown an optimal increase of muscle mass at a dose of 250mcg It can be used every 5 days for 25 five days.

it seems like welts develop whenever these myo inhibitors are injected redness and soreness can be less when using sub q

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